Spiritual Coaching Sessions

Just as we take care of our health and physical well-being, spiritual coaching helps us reach our highest level of inner peace and wholeness.

Each session explores where the person is at the moment and then connects with their deepest emotional and spiritual needs.

In this context, various practices of prayer and meditation are suggested that can be easily integrated into daily life. This format is like a personal training program, to follow and enjoy. These meetings are aimed at both young people and adults, either in person or remotely.

It is highly indicated to overcome personal situations of vital crisis. In them, some reliable keys are acquired that we can count on repeatedly to achieve the objectives we want, and thus be able to give more meaning to our lives.

If you want to book your private session or have any related questions, you can call or write for a free consultation at:

Tel +1 (401)3768502 |

Topics of lectures, seminars, and workshops:

  • Spiritual wisdom and how to connect with it
  • Jewish meditation and its practice
  • Death and how to handle grief
  • Spirituality and mourning
  • The healing power of rituals
  • Kabbalah and Inner Peace

Emotional Support Services and Jewish Healing Instructor

Pastoral care and spiritual advice to patients and relatives.

Spiritual accompaniment in grieving situations.